Countdown Begins Now !

So finally it's starting , 21 may official time line for starting coding . We got 7 weeks until mid-term evaluation. In first 4 weeks we will concentrate on task related to collection of module data. In next 1 week we will write some test for this module and finally in last 2 week we will work on design of these pages 
          For implementing this project I am creating a module "Extension-manager" so it can easily port to existing website or in  proposed  website.
Here is the plan for first 2 weeks .

1st week (21-27 May) : 
        Integration of system with module repositories.

Create a simple form and fetch data from .JSON file store in a dedicated module directory in /assets. We will use any non-silverstripe module containing JSON file for implementation and testing. 

2nd week (28 May - 3 Jun) :
          Automatic creation of detailed module download pages.

Develop a method for creating a unpublished page using collected data from JSON file.  which will visible only in Admin section (just like existing addons module functionality which creates an unpublished page in back end after submitting module submission form). 

Note: task for 1st and 2nd week are dependent to each other so they may develop in parallel

Link for extension-manager module repository

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